Which is Better? A Manual Toothbrush or an Electric Toothbrush?
Electric toothbrushes are a popular choice for many people. In fact, some say they are easier to use and remove plaque better than manual toothbrushes. However, while this may be true if you have braces, dentures or implants, the debate continues, the best toothbrush is the one you will use most faithfully.
A common question that many people have is whether electric toothbrushes are better than manual ones. The answer to this question is yes, and no:

- Most electric toothbrushes effectively remove plaque and keep your teeth and gums healthy.
- Electric brushes are less likely to cause damage to the enamel of your teeth because they reduce the amount of pressure exerted during brushing.
- Some people find that an electric brush does not suit their oral health needs because they prefer more control over how hard they can brush their teeth.
- This generally is not an issue for kids who use them since their parents confirm the settings so that brushing is simple and easy!
Studies Show That Electric Toothbrushes Remove Plaque – But nothing works as well as dental floss!
Research has shown that electric toothbrushes remove more plaque than manual toothbrushes. In one study, participants were randomly assigned to brush with either a Sonicare Flexcare (the top-selling rechargeable electric toothbrush) or with an Oral-B Triumph (a premium manual toothbrush). Both are popular products that are often recommended by dental professionals for their patients.

Researchers found that the Sonicare Flexcare removed more plaque than the Oral-B Triumph after 4 weeks of use by adults with gingivitis. Another group of people who had healthy gums also showed improved gingival health when they used the Sonicare Flexcare compared to those who brushed with a regular manual toothbrush over four weeks. However, another study conducted by dentists did not find any significant difference in plaque removal between using an Oral B Professional Care 3000 and using just water alone on your teeth!
Electric Toothbrushes Can be Easier to Use than Manual
An advantage of electric toothbrushes is that they can be easier to use. If you have dexterity issues or find it difficult to brush your teeth by hand, an electric toothbrush may be a good option for you. While many people find manual brushing effective enough, others might prefer the ease and convenience offered by an electric toothbrush.
Additionally, some studies show that electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque than manual ones because they tend to oscillate faster than hand-powered brushes do. This means that the bristles move faster over your teeth surfaces and therefore clean them more thoroughly than manual brushes can manage on their own.

These factors make an electric toothbrush especially beneficial for people with arthritis or limited dexterity who may have difficulty using a manual brush without causing themselves injury by applying too much pressure while brushing their teeth
In conclusion, electric toothbrushes have some advantages over manual toothbrushes. They are generally more effective at cleaning and removing plaque, making them better for your oral health. You should also consider if there are any other factors that might affect the type of toothbrush best suited for your needs. And, ultimately, more important than the type of toothbrush you choose is that you keep regular dental appointments and floss or use a WaterPik daily.
About Dr. Fred Wong of Blue Ocean Dentistry in Glendora, California

Dr. Fred Wong and the staff at Blue Ocean Dentistry use the latest available dental treatments, equipment, and materials – all of which make a marked difference in our patients’ experiences. We help our patients achieve optimal dental health. We creatively combine dental science and artistry — which can literally redesign your smile. Since even a subtle change in your smile will help you to project self-confidence and high self-esteem, we love helping you feel good about yourself. We deliver the finest dental care at the most reasonable cost and accept most dental insurance plans as well as CareCredit. For more about the dental treatment plans we offer or to schedule an appointment, call today (626) 852-6999.