Preventative Dentistry

Preventative Care

Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease among children and adults, but it's preventable with good oral hygiene habits and regular dental check-ups.

Preventative Treatment Options

  • Routine Cleanings and Exams

    By scheduling routine checkups and cleanings, you can help ensure that your teeth and gums remain healthy and avoid more extensive dental work in the future. Our team will work with you to create a personalized care plan that meets your unique needs and helps you maintain optimal oral health.

  • Fluoride Treatments

    Fluoride treatments can help strengthen teeth and prevent decay, reducing the risk of cavities.

  • Sealants

    A sealant is a thin, protective coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to help prevent cavities. Sealants are typically recommended for children and teenagers, but they can also benefit adults who are at high risk for tooth decay. By sealing the grooves and pits on the chewing surfaces of teeth, sealants can help keep bacteria and food particles from getting trapped and causing decay.

  • Oral Cancer Screenings

    Routine screenings can help detect early signs of oral cancer and increase the chances of successful treatment.

  • Custom Mouthguards

    Mouth guards or night guards can be custom-fitted to protect teeth during physical activity and prevent damage from teeth grinding or clenching. In some cases, night guards can also help with jaw pain.

  • Education and Counseling

    At Blue Ocean Dentistry, we recognize that each patient is a unique individual and can provide education and counseling on proper oral hygiene techniques, nutrition, and other lifestyle factors tailored to your situation.

Dental sealants can reduce the risk of tooth decay on the chewing surfaces of molars by up to 80%.

Invest in your health with preventative dental care. Book your appointment today and enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles.