
Bottle of vegetable oil (seed oils) wrapped in caution tape concept for unhealthy ultra processed foods, dietary waring for increased risk on inflammation and pro inflammatory omega six fatty acids

UPFs (Ultra Processed Foods) and Dental Health

Ultra-processed foods are essentially products that have undergone significant processing, containing many ingredients that are not typically used in home cooking. These might include preservatives, colorings, sweeteners, and emulsifiers. From breakfast cereals and snacks to soft drinks and ready-to-eat meals, UPFs are everywhere. And while they might save time and sometimes taste irresistible, the consequences they bring to our dental health are far from benign.

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The Diabetes-Dental Connection

“People with diabetes face an increased risk for serious gum disease because they are generally more susceptible to bacterial infection, and have a decreased ability to fight bacteria that invade the gums.” The report goes on to say that since good oral health is integral to general health, diabetic patients should be careful to brush and floss properly and see the dentist regularly.”

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