Revolutionize Your Dental Experience with Oral Conscious Sedation
The Ultimate Solution for a Stress-Free Visit
You’re not alone. Fortunately, oral conscious sedation can alleviate these fears and help you feel comfortable during your dental visit.
Oral conscious sedation involves taking medication before your appointment to help you feel calm and relaxed while still being able to communicate with your dentist. It’s especially helpful for those who experience anxiety, have a strong gag reflex or have trouble remaining still during their appointment.
The Sedation Process
Establish a Plan
At your first appointment, your dentist will review your medical history and any medications you're currently taking. We'll create a plan to get you back to health and provide instructions on how to prepare for your sedation appointment.
Complete Treatment
Rest on a comfortable chair under a soft blanket as our team ensures you're at ease during your dental appointments with conscious sedation.
Rest at Home
After your visit, you'll require someone to drive you home and remain with you for a few hours until the medication wears off completely. Due to the medication, you may not remember much about the appointment, but that's perfectly normal.