Post Op Care of Extractions
The treatment of extractions can be quite a painful experience for your child if not handled properly. The following information is to help you learn how to improve your child’s recovery.

Once the extractions are done, the bleeding will gradually decrease. The area of the extraction should be kept under constant pressure for at least thirty minutes to reduce the flow. The pressure can be applied by means of gauze provided by your orthodontist after you leave his office. If the bleeding starts again on removal of the gauze, apply the gauze again and bite on it for 8 to 10 minutes.
Swelling in the area of the extraction usually occurs when kids bite into the anesthetized area without being aware of it. To reduce the swelling, place an ice bag on the outside of the face near the extraction area. An appointment should be made so that the swelling can be evaluated. If the area of the extraction swells rapidly, immediately call us.
Loose Space Maintainers
If you find that the fitting of the appliance is loose and it is possible to easily remove it from the mouth, take it out and put it away safely. Get the appliance re-cemented by making an appointment with us immediately.
Teeth are coming in
If you find that your child’s permanent teeth are erupting in place of the extracted baby teeth, make an appointment with us so that your child’s condition may be evaluated and the space maintainers may be removed.

Soreness is often experienced by children in the mouth after treatment. The pain can be reduced by taking children’s Tylenol or Motrin. However, if the pain does not subsides after that, a follow up appointment should be made to evaluate the condition. In case of severe pain and soreness which is not reduced by medications, call our office for an appointment.
Swelling generally occurs when children bite on the cheek in the treatment area. However, if no teeth marks are seen on examination and the area continues to swell, make an appointment with us for a thorough examination.
Pre-Care and Post-Care Sedation
It is crucial that your child avoids eating or drinking four hours before the appointment for sedation. Ensure that you follow this guideline your child’s safety and health.
Eating after the appointment:
When your child gets hungry after the appointment, start off by giving them juice or water. You can move on to soft food like yogurt or pudding. Start giving your child normal food gradually.
Once your child gets home, he or she is likely to sleep due to the effects of sedation. Place your child on his side and don’t leave them unattended. Avoid placing anything in your child’s mouth such as gauze during sleeping.
Make your child rest after the treatment for at least a day. Activities such as watching movies are usually recommended at this stage. Avoid running, biking, swimming, or any other vigorous activity. Your child is still likely to be under the affects of sedation. The child can continue with normal activities after a day of rest.
Lip biting after treatment

Many children are prone to lip biting after treatment in the anesthetized area without being aware of it. This can cause the area to become swollen and may cause pain. Give your child a soft diet until the area no longer feels numb. Painkillers such as Children’s Tylenol or Motrin can also be given to alleviate the discomfort.
Help your child to gain knowledge to understand the importance of dental care as early as possible. Make the experience as gentle as possible for your child to build his or her confidence in dental care and treatment. A beautiful smile is a gift your child will always cherish and thank you for in future.